3SquaresVT - 3SquaresVT is a federal USDA program (formerly food stamps) that can help stretch your food budget so you can put three healthy meals on your table every day.
BROC - Community Action (Bennington & Rutland) - BROC's food and nutrition programs help prevent hunger through emergency food assistance and commodities foods provided by the USDA (Department of Agriculture).
Brattleboro Area Drop In Center - The Brattleboro Area Drop In Center is a day shelter open to all persons within the Brattleboro area. They offer a welcoming atmosphere, community food shelf, support services, and a place where homeless and lonely persons can come.
Hunger Free Vermont - Hunger Free Vermont is an education and advocacy organization with the mission to end the injustice of hunger and malnutrition for all Vermonters. Hunger Free Vermont is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to providing nutrition education and expanding access to nutrition programs that nourish Vermont’s children, families, and communities.
Vermont Food Bank - The mission of the Vermont Foodbank is to gather and share quality food and nurture partnerships so that no one in Vermont will go hungry. Vermont Food Bank also provides an Agency Locator that allows users to find resources in their area.
Vermont Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps low-income people and families buy the food they need. Benefits are provided on a debit card (EBT) and are accepted at most grocery stores and some farmer's markets.