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ANEW Place (formerly Burlington Emergency Shelter) - ANEW's mission is to provide a holistic continuum of services for the homeless, centered in love and dignity, that foster growth, cultivate community engagement, and provide tools for lifelong change so that each person may start anew.

Barre Housing Authority - The mission of the Barre Housing Authority is to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing to low-income families, elders and adults with disabilities.

BROC - Community Action (Bennington & Rutland) - Provides counsel to households on housing options, educate renters on their rights and responsibilites and coordinate with other providers in the community to help individuals and families obtain or maintain housing. Households are assisted with furniture and other items, when needed.

Burlington Housing Authority - The Burlington Housing Authority is Vermont's oldest and largest municipally-based housing authority. Created in 1961, BHA has been providing affordable housing for over fifty years to individuals and families in the City of Burlington and surrounding communities.

Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) - The Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) provides emergency shelter, services, and housing for people who are homeless or marginally housed in Vermont.

Craigslist - Online classifieds with links to community, housing and employment resources.

Fair Housing Project (FHP) - The FHP works with partners to eradicate illegal housing discrimination in Vermont. FHP provides assistance through information and referral services, fair housing education, training, workshops and outreach.

Lamoille Housing Partnership (LHP) - The Lamoille Housing Partnership develops, rehabilitates and maintains safe, decent, energy efficient affordable housing through rental, home ownership, or other means to low and moderate income persons and families living within Lamoille County and the Town of Hardwick. LHP provides such assistance without discrimination or prejudice using a combination of private and public funding partnerships.

Rutland Housing Authority - Rutland Housing Authority is dedicated to creating diverse housing opportunities by
building partnerships that support healthy, vibrant, sustainable neighborhoods.

Spectrum Youth & Family Services - Spectrum's mission is to empower teenagers, young adults, people with a history of violence, and their families to make and sustain positive changes through prevention, intervention, and life skills services.

Vermont 2-1-1 – United Ways of Vermont - Vermont 2-1-1 is the number you dial to find out about hundreds of important community resources, like emergency food and shelter, disability services, counselling, senior services, healthcare, child care, drug and alcohol programs, legal assistance, transportation needs, educational and volunteer opportunities, and much more.

Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition (VAHC) - Represents most of Vermont's non-profit affordable housing developers, community land trusts, housing and homeless advocacy groups, public housing authorities, regional planners, funders, state agencies, and others.

Vermont Department of Children and Families (DCF) - Some 200,000 Vermonters (nearly one third of our population) rely on DCF for some type of assistance. The goal of this website is to help you find programs, services, and resources — quickly and easily.

Vermont Legal Aid - Vermont Legal Aid provides free civil legal services to people throughout Vermont who are poor, elderly, or have disabilities and who would otherwise be denied justice or the necessities of life - including rental discrimination.

Vermont State Housing Program (VSHA) - The Vermont State Housing Authority's Mission is to promote and expand the supply of affordable rental and homeownership opportunities on a state-wide basis.